November is considered to be the cold month in many regions of the world. Even in some tropical regions, November is cold in comparison with the hot months. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the temperature is high almost throughout the year. There is still a difference in the temperature of its regions. Makkah is a hot city while Madinah is comparatively less hot than Makkah. This makes the winter season arrive more rapidly in Madinah than in Makkah. All those who are going to travel to Madinah this November must keep in mind that the weather can be colder than expected. Temperature can fluctuate but the pattern remains almost constant throughout the month.
Cloud cover in Madinah during November
Cloud cover is not that much constant but follows an increasing pattern. As the month advances, the cloud cover seems to be more frequent. November is the month when you will see frequent cloudy days as compared with the early months. This is a factor that decreases the temperature of the day. In deserts, it is a very common phenomenon that the temperature of nights is less than that of days. It is because of the sand that is cold down. In Saudi Arabia, having a desert ecosystem, the temperature of night falls and in the city like Madinah, it seems to lower too much that the nights are fairly cold. Cloud covers do it more rapidly.
Precipitation during this month
The liquid precipitation in Madinah during November remains 0.04 inches. With this amount of precipitation, the chances remain constant but the cloud cover can make it vary in the latter days of the month. The rainfall can exceed depending on the type of weather but the constant pattern is seen frequently. The fluctuations can be there but are seen less often. The rainfall makes the environment pleasurable but a bit cold for the people who come from hot areas.
Sunny days in November
Sunny days depend on the cloud cover as well as on the length of the day in terms of affecting the overall temperature. The days are sunny when the cloud cover is not there. For instance, the early days will be sunny while the trend decreases with the advancing days and the late days are considered to be cloudier. This makes the late days cooler than the early days. The early sunny days do not make the weather hot or uncomfortable instead they make it pleasurably warm.
Suitable for traveling or not!
It is suitable for traveling. The weather does not change so much as to make the journey unsafe. The late days may become cold enough to make you wear the stuff that is needed to keep you warm. This happens especially at night. People from the cold areas may not need to wear such stuff but preparing yourself in every way is very important. So pack your luggage carefully in order not to miss anything necessary. A great journey is now going to be ahead of you.
Al-Fatimah Travels is one of the authorized Umrah travel agent based in UK, offers a range of November Umrah Packages from UK.